We have had an excellent fortnight in the Secondary School. There has been a strident sense of purpose and a real feeling of getting down to business. We are regularly focusing on the goals laid out in the last newsletter, namely: punctuality, Lingua Franca, presentation of work and cross-phase interactions as the main areas that we are looking at.
Global Goals
This was an excellent cross-phase initiative with assemblies, PSHE, classroom projects, and breaktime activities galore raising the profile of the Sustainable Development Goals amongst students. They are particularly in step with our values and their involvement was admirable. Thanks Miss Darby!
Language of the Month is… Hebrew
Some of the Hebrew speakers hosted a great assembly, not once but twice in the Auditorium. Looking into Jewish culture and traditions became a great opportunity to learn some Hebrew. Suf, Liam, Gaya, and Eyal excelled themselves with the guidance of Mr. Fassam.
We have appointed a further four Prefects to join Judith (Head Girl) and Yuvgen (Head Boy). Ekaterina, Maraike, Luka, and Lily joined the Head Boy and Head Girl for our inaugural regular Monday Prefect meeting where the hot topics of the day were discussed. You may have noticed the Prefects on their car door duties in the mornings. They were also a big hit at the Primary phase’s ‘Meet the Parents’ events last week. Thanks go to the Prefects for their contributions so far and I do hope that you will all have the opportunity to meet them.
I look forward to meeting all the parent representatives at this week’s event.
Mr Ruddin
Head of Secondary