Careers Guidance
We have been talking to our Y13 students about University and Careers options throughout the Diploma Programme and as we approach deadlines for University applications, the students now have designated sessions on their timetables to support them in their next steps.
The Careers team is led by the Principal, Mr Mower and comprised of Ms Pou who will lead on all Spanish University choices and Ms Darby on applications to the UK and other countries. They are supported by the Sixth Form tutors. All students have the opportunity for one to one support from Mr Mower and he has met with many of them already.
At the moment we are working on applications to Oxford, Cambridge and Universities in the UK, the USA, Holland, Spain and Germany. We are also helping those students who have other plans in mind for their next stage in life such as taking a gap year or moving on to work. This is a very exciting time for Y13 and we can see a sparkle in their eyes as they start to have conversations about their future.
Lanterna Education
Last week, Lanterna Education returned to school to talk to our IB Diploma Programme students about how to best approach this challenging course. We were happy to see some parents attend and hope that everyone was able to take something form this presentation. Important advice included creating healthy study habits to avoid the accumulation of work and stress around deadlines. Students should talk to their tutor if they need any support in creating a study timetable.
Ms Fenton