There is no such thing as a typical day in school. Each day I visit each class to say hello and get a little glimpse of what they are learning. From counting in Nursery to cooking in Year 5, there is always something exciting going on. This week I was lucky enough to spend time in a Nursery lesson with the wonderful Miss Raquel. It was so lovely to see all the Nursery children settling well and listening so carefully as they rehearsed the days of the week and greeted each other by name.
Thank you to all of our parents who supported the Meet the Teacher events this week. It really is important for us that our home/school partnership is strong and that you are well informed. Teachers will be sharing the presentation with all parents who were unable to attend the meetings this week.
A date for your diary, we will be hosting our first Book Fair of the school year on Tuesday 4th October. There promises to be a wide range of books for all pupils in EYFS, Primary and Secondary. We will share more details nearer the time.
I wish the whole of our BCG community a nice day.
Un abrazo
Miss Wakelin