I am delighted that we have appointed four more excellent prefects to work alongside Judith (Head Girl) and Yuvgen (Head Boy). I am sure that the prefect team will help set the high standards we expect from our students.
Meet the Teacher
Last week saw our Early Year & Primary Meet the Teacher events which all seemed to go very well. I hope you find these meetings informative as well as being an ideal opportunity to get to know your child’s teacher and other parents in the class. It was wonderful to see so many of you there.
Global Goals
Sustainability remains a very important thread running through our curriculum and we have been celebrating Global Goals Week, a big thank you to the teachers and students for their energy and enthusiasm and a particular thank you to Miss Darby for leading this exciting initiative.
Parent Rep Meeting
I look forward to meeting the Parent Reps on Thursday 29th September. This meeting will give us an opportunity to clarify the role of the reps and further improve the way in which we communicate and share information.
International residentials
A very exciting programme of international trips has been put together and details are shared in this newsletter.
I would like to remind parents that academic trips, annual residentials, weekly swimming lessons in primary etc are all compulsory elements to our curriculum. Other more recreational trips offered, such as the ski trip or surfing trip are not compulsory. During residentials, staffing requirements are such that we cannot provide an alternative programme in school. If, for exceptional reasons, a child does not attend a residential trip, parents should send an email to school explaining the reasons and confirming that they will keep the child at home during the duration of the trip.
Lunchtime clubs for secondary
Please encourage your daughters and sons to sign up for the Y10-13 ECAP lunchtime clubs; otherwise, we will have to cancel them. There were many requests for these clubs and now they have been planned and put in place there are few students opting for them. These are great opportunities for your children to widen their horizons.
Simon Mower