Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope you have had a great 2 weeks.
We have been busy in the secondary school over the last 2 weeks. Year 11 & 13 have finished their first week of mock examinations this week with Year 12 also completing their assessment week. I would like to congratulate them all on how seriously they have taken the process, they have obviously prepared well. Having the exams in the sports hall has added an extra layer of realism of what to expect in the summer term. Oakhouse school were in school last Monday for the GCSE PE moderation, well done to all the GCSE PE students they were brilliant.
The PE department took 3 teams to the BISA football tournament on Wednesday. The U18 boys and U18 girls finished 2nd place, with the U16 boys finishing 5th. A huge achievement as we had our students all playing an age group above they are. I am sure next year we will bring home the 1st place trophy. We have also had a year 10 trip out to the theatre and museum this cycle and Miss Jensen brought her Year 13 art students to an art gallery in Barcelona to help with their Art A-level project.
We invited parents into school on the 23rd March for a talk on online safety, proper use of devices and some science behind how devices affect the brain. I hope the parents that attended enjoyed the talk and will be able to implement some of the strategies given into their families routines.
I would again like to apologize for the changing of the DofE expedition dates due to various problems. I will confirm again that the date of the Bronze Award expedition is on April 29th - 30th April.
We always strive to have open communication channels with you (the parents) regarding your children's effort in school, their great achievements and their overall progress. In a bid to improve this communication we have implemented a new system from our iSams programme. Parents will now receive notifications when your child receives a positive behaviour point (for going above and beyond what is expected of them) or a negative behaviour point (not behaving in the way we expect in school). These notifications should be sent to your email. I hope this new scheme further improves your relationship with the school and our incredible teachers.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mr Steadman