The final week of term 2 clubs is next week, Monday 28th - Thursday 31st March. As always, there are no clubs in the last week of term and we start with the new summer ECAP programme on Tuesday 19th April (with Monday being a holiday).
The club lists for term 3 will be sent to parents on Monday 28th March allowing you one week to log into the school booking system and sign up for the activities on offer. Deadline for term 3 ECAP sign up is Wednesday 6th April 2022.
Please note the addition of SOFTBALL to the list which is a fabulous summer activity mixing physical with social skill learning and enjoyment! Another exciting addition is Rowing at the Gava Canal. As the weather is nicer this term, we have also put football and basketball back on to the programme for KS3 students.
End of Year Residential Trips
Friday March 25th is the deadline to add your child’s name to the end of year residential trips. We are now in the process of confirming final numbers and paying the final instalment for students previously authorised. Parents who wish their child to attend residentials, who have not yet registered, must email trips@bcgava.com. We will add you if places are available or add you to a reserve waiting list if not.
On that note, there are definitely still places available on Mr. Steadman’s year 10 - 13 Surf Trip. If you are considering attending and have questions, please email him directly at danny.steadman@bcgava.com.
BCA Hosting - Embrace community spirit!
We are requesting support again for this amazing community incentive. We wish to bring the secondary students from our sister school in Andorra to be immersed in our school environment and local culture. Please, open your home to them and allow them to enjoy our hospitality and meet new friends. The link to the hosting request form can be found here on our website. Email carolynne.bell@bcgava.com if you have trouble accessing the link or require further information. The deadline for application to host is Wednesday 30th March. Hopefully we reach our target of 50 host homes and avoid disappointing our excited BCA students.