This term's reflection week has been principally dedicated to the IB Group 4 project although our Year 12 students have also participated in academic writing and careers workshops as well as consolidating CAS proposal and reflection, catching up on some HL subjects and helping to plan the school's Sant Jordi celebrations.
Once again I would like to thank the DP staff for going above and beyond to plan and execute exciting and useful activities to support our students through their IB education.
Next term is a busy one for Year 12 students. The first full draft of the Extended Essay is due on 20th May, the first round of mocks will take place and Group 6 students (Visual Arts and Theatre) will be completing official IB components. To minimise stress and avoid the accumulation of work, we advise all students to devise a home learning schedule and remind them that they should be studying for at least 2 hours every evening and longer at the weekends. Year 12 tutors are more than happy to help students create an effective home learning timetable.
Year 12 academic reports will be issued through the parent portal. We encourage students to reflect on the targets they have been set by their teachers ready for next term.
Year 11 options
We now have subject choices for all of our Year 11 students and these are currently being checked by teachers. Over the summer term, students and parents will be invited to meet with the IB Coordinator to formalise options and sign the IB Learning Agreement.
We look forward to seeing you back in school after Easter
Ms Fenton, IB Coordinator
Group 4 Project 2022
This week the Year 12 students have been immersing themselves in the world of scientific discovery through the Group 4 project. This collaborative research task has been a huge undertaking, and the students have excelled themselves in their professional attitude and scientific conduct. In this project, students have to work with one another to answer a research question, from the angle of all four of the science subjects we offer in the DP - Biology, Chemistry, Physics and ESS.
With the general theme of sustainability students were given the opportunity to be creative and answer a question that they themselves were personally interested in, and the results have been outstanding. With topics ranging from the energy and protein output of different meat sources compared to the input, to whether it is more efficient to pasteurise milk using a traditional heater and fossil fuel or a microwave, to the possibility of replacing synthetic materials in clothing with natural fibres, the students have to be commended for their imagination and creativity. They are truly tackling some of the most serious problems of the world today and they are working together to build towards a more sustainable future.
We would like to invite all parents of Year 12s in for an exhibition of their work on Wednesday 20th April so that they can see exactly what they have been doing, and explore their chosen topics and the future possibilities with them.
More information will be sent out shortly.
CAS Corner
"Hello, my name is Mark! You might recognise me as I'm doing video recordings of our school newsletter in Russian as part of my CAS programme. This particular project helps a lot of parents, especially if they don't understand English or Spanish. Now, in their native language Russian, they're more able to access information about the school.
Through CAS, I'm learning more about life. CAS is a very interesting programme where you can do a lot of things to help others, such as translating the school newsletter to a short video allowing our achievements to be accessible and celebrated amongst more people in our community! You learn a lot of interesting ways to develop new skills and make the school a better place by being part of a CAS team. You definitely become more creative. Please check out our BCG social media pages and watch our newsletter summaries shared in Spanish, English and Russian!"
- Mark, Year 12 CAS Language Ambassadors Group