Dear parents,
As the spring term comes to an end, and we reflect on the past few months, we certainly have lots of enrichment activities to celebrate! In fact, there are too many to mention individually! We encourage all parents to flick through our previous newsletters (you can access these via our website) and browse the photo gallery sections. There is no doubt that our students are loving the extended learning opportunities that our enrichment programme provides at BCG. Big smiles all around!
Students across the whole school have certainly enjoyed another term of trips and visits accessing off-site learning and developing essential, holistic life skills. ECAP numbers increased this term and students are enjoying the balance and break from academic pursuits that our after school activities provide.
Our term 3 ECAP schedule has been shared and we encourage all parents to sign up their child to at least one activity per week. You can see many pictures and important information such as dates, times and ages of all the clubs on our school webpage. We will extend the sign up period to Monday 11th April at 09.00 to maximise numbers. Access the school booking system here. Our apologies that KS3 Football was missing from the booking system originally. This has now been rectified and you can sign your child up now! Remember that all ECAP clubs are mixed gender and open to all ability levels.
Remember that all ECAP clubs are mixed gender and open to all ability levels.
Regarding Term 3 trips, we will email you shortly when the itinerary has been finalised. We are still waiting for some companies and agencies to confirm our places.
BCA Hosting
Unfortunately, we did not generate as many host homes as we had hoped for, for this initiative to take off. Instead, our sister school community will stay in a nearby hotel. Their schedule of activities remains the same and we look forward to welcoming them for an afternoon of sport on our campus. A huge THANKS must go to all parents of students in years 7, 8, 9 and 10 who opened their homes. Your generosity and willingness to be involved is very much appreciated and your children remain top of the list should Andorra run a similar programme for our students next year.
We sent a Year 6 and a mixed Year 4 and 5 team to BSB last week to take part in a netball competition.
Thanks to our coaching dream, that is Mr. and Mrs. Pilcher, our pupils had a really wonderful afternoon.
Our Year 6 team were drawing 2-2 until the final 2 minutes of play when an extremely tall opposition player snuck in 3 goals to end the match 5-2.
Our younger, mixed Year 4 and 5 squad had an amazing 5-1 victory!!!
Let's not forget that our teams had only 3 lunch time sessions to prepare for this event and BSB have been training weekly since the start of the year. Goooooooooooooo BCG!!! We are delighted that Coach Nina Pilcher has agreed to continue netball training sessions on Wednesday lunch times between 13.00 - 13.00hrs. This club is open to all in years 4 to 6 and any primary staff member that also wishes to jlin in the fun.