Dear Parents,
Last week a group of Year 6 pupils asked me if I had missed teaching since taking on my role as the Head of EYFS & Primary. Without any hesitation, I said a big YES! Teaching has been my passion since I was 6 years old and I don't think it will ever leave me. The wonderful thing about this role is making - and being part of - decisions about the education and school experience of the over 200 pupils we now have in our phase. It has been very exciting to work on a longer term plan that will greatly benefit all of our children now and in the years ahead.
However, sometimes I am very fortunate that I get to go and work in classes and still get to teach. I love it! Last week I got to work in the Nursery Turtles Class and it was lovely. We played in the ´class cafe´ and I got to draw snakes with the children and show them how to do dot-to-dot. The best part was making puzzles of different animals. I had such a nice time that I decided I will spend time in the Nursery every Monday afternoon. I am already really looking forward to it.
I also had the great pleasure of working in Year 3 Crabs Class. We had an afternoon investigating colours found in natural materials. They worked beautifully in pairs and helped each other to succeed. This is learning at its best. Very well done Crabs!
Finally, I would like to say how nice it was to see parents in school for our EYFS & Primary parents´ evening. Being able to speak to you in person - without masks - was really beneficial to all of our teachers, and me too! We look forward to extending opportunities to invite you into school for special events. With this in mind, I am very excited to announce we will be holding our annual Summer Fair on Saturday 11th June. More details to follow in the next newsletter but I can reveal we will be holding our first ever BCG International Food Festival led by our Language Ambassadors in the Primary School and some of the CAS Secondary students. It is set to be an amazing day. If you would like to support us and be involved, please email me directly: kelly.wakelin@bcgava.com
Primary News - House Captains
We are pleased to announce the new House Captains for the Summer term. Students were asked to submit letters detailing their reasons for why they wanted to be a House Captain and what they would like to do with this responsibility. The letters we received were impressive and we felt proud of all the students who put forward their ideas.
It was a tough choice to make but our House Captains for the final term are as follows:
Red House: Eve F.
Green House: Noa C.
Yellow House: Nora N.
Blue House: Noa M.
The House Captains are all excited to be starting in their positions. They already have some great ideas for some house competitions and ways to make our houses even more present in EYFS and Primary.
We are also happy to welcome the following students to the Primary House Committee:
Manel R.
Jessica S.
Noa C.
The House Captains and Committee now have to work hard to see which house will be crowned BCG House winner 2022. Go Houses, Go BCG!
Primary News - BCG Value – Inquirer
Last week our new BCG value was introduced to the children, ‘Inquirer’. In our assemblies, we discussed what we thought the inquirer meant and how this would look in our classrooms. The students gave some excellent answers even saying they also thought one needed to be brave to be an inquirer. I thought this was a great thought as it can be difficult to admit we do not know something but it is a real positive to be brave and ask so that we can find out the answers. They also linked it to our last Value ‘Communicator’ saying that we need to communicate and listen well to be able to learn new things. Fantastic thinking Primary!
Year 1- Pola and Julen
Year 2- Ricardo, Lucia, Cesar, Jeronimo
Year 3- Maia, Diego, Kostia, Samuel
Year 4- Shujah, Alba, Berta, Emma
Year 5-Nicolas and Julietta, Alessandro, Connor
Year 6- Noa C, Alex, Nelson, Kalina
Miss Wakelin
Head of EYFS & Primary