I am pleased to include in this week's newsletter the main diary dates for the Summer Term. As you can see, that even though we are heading towards the end of the school year, we are still extremely busy in the Early Years and Primary School. Great to see the range of activities and experiences we have planned. Thank you teachers!
A few key dates not included yet as we are still busy planning these events are: Year 6 Transition Meeting, Summer Fair, Sports Day and the Year 6 School Sleepover.
Lastly, but certainly by no means least, it was wonderful to welcome back our teachers who have finally completed their visas in the UK. A challenge for us all but one we have overcome together. Lovely to have the Primary 'family' complete. Stability, calm and great learning is our path going forward into our final term of this year.
Wishing you all a great Easter holiday!
Best wishes and a hug
Miss Wakelin
Sant Jordi 2022 celebrations
This year, although we will celebrate it on Friday 22nd of April because the 23rd will be a Saturday, at The British College of Gavà we don't want to miss this special and important Catalan celebration. We would like to open our doors to EYFS and Upper Primary families to share these celebrations with us.
Important information:
- 19th to 21st of April: Students to collect books that are no longer read at home (the tutor will collect them in each class)
- Friday 22nd of April: Students from Nursery to Year 2 should come dressed as dragons (we encourage you to make your costumes from recycled materials).
- Students from Y3 to Y6 can come dressed as knights, princes or princesses (we encourage families to make their own costumes from recycled materials).
- For Secondary students it will be a Non-Uniform Day.
- All students will have the opportunity to participate in the activity "A message and a rose" by sending them anonymously to a classmate.
- Arrival of EYFS and Upper Primary families at 2.45 pm -3.00 pm through the EYFS gate. Please, we would appreciate it if you could confirm your attendance and number of people, by sending an email to attendance@bcgava.com before April 19th.
- There will be roses and bookmarks sale, second-hand books, hot chocolate and cake for EYFS families.
SEND Workshop for Primary Teachers
Last Monday, March 28th, teachers of the primary school and early years had a workshop on SEND (Special educational needs and disabilities) strategies. We talked about the most common difficulties that students show at school and how to best help students through lesson planning. These sessions of professional training provide excellent opportunities to expand knowledge and awareness of individual needs in the classroom and how to support these on a daily basis.
Do you have a question about SEND? Email our Educational Psychologist Ms Rosas: mailto:alba.rosas@bcgava.com