IB Cohort DP23 (Year 12)
Our first year IBDP students are currently sitting their mock examinations - we wish them all the best of luck. Full reports will be issued by subject and core teachers on 23rd June and if we have any concerns about individual students we will contact you beforehand.
Mr Mower has asked students to complete a careers form so that we can plan students’ careers provision from September. We encourage families to speak to their sons and daughters about their future as it can sometimes be overwhelming to ‘make a decision’ about further education - talking through options in a supportive environment can be very helpful to students. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any advice you may need.
We would like to remind you that students’ TOK Exhibition will take place on Friday 10th June at 15:00. Students will exhibit their TOK projects for parents, staff and students and Mr Foreman will give a short presentation about this unique, flagship IBDP core subject.
IB Cohort DP24 (Year 11)
From 6th - 10th June, our next cohort of IB students and their families will receive an email confirming their options for next year and inviting you to an IB Admissions Meeting on 13th June at 16:45.
This meeting will outline expectations for IB students and include important information on assessment calendars and deadlines.
We will also be explaining how the IB Preparation Google Classroom will work and what students should be doing to get ready for the IB Diploma or Career related Programme in September.
We look forward to seeing you there, but if you can’t make it, the presentation will be recorded for you.
IB Cohort DP25 (Year 10)
We would like to invite our Year 10 students and their families to attend an IB Programmes presentation on 8th June at 16:45.
The aim of this presentation is to help students and their families understand what an IB education is. We will outline the structure of both the Diploma Programme and Career-related Programme and talk through the various subjects currently on offer at BCG. We will briefly explain university entrance to Spain, Europe, UK and USA and will outline the next steps we will take with our Year 10 students to prepare them for their IB journey.