Year 12 - Accomplish your goals by dedicating a little time each day.
Students have a busy last term as we reach the end of our first year of the IB Diploma Programme. It is important at this stage that they dedicate time to independent study every evening and over the weekends to ensure that they make a little progress each day. This will help to avoid the accumulation of work which could result in them feeling overwhelmed or stressed. This is particularly true for Group 6 subjects (Visual Arts and Theatre) as work and commitment should be ongoing.
An effective study timetable is essential, including making good use of the library during study periods.
Students should talk to their Tutor or subject teachers if they need any support with organisation or study skills.
Important dates & deadlines for the Summer Term.
2nd - 6th May: Global Politics speeches
Continue reading the newsletter for more details.
16th May: Pamoja - End of year examinations
Economics and Psychology students studying online with pamoja will sit their end of Year 1 examinations on Monday 16th May. Information has already been sent out to the students in question.
20th May: Extended Essay - Full draft deadline
Students should be working on their Extended Essay each day to ensure that they meet this deadline. Essays will be read by supervisors and in depth, written feedback will be given so that students can improve their essay over the summer ready for the final deadline at the end of August.
We remind you that the Extended Essay is an official component of the IBDP and must be completed successfully by each student in order to be awarded the full Diploma.
Students should talk to their supervisor or Ms Delmet if they have any concerns about the Extended Essay.
23rd May - 2nd June: End of Year 1 Examinations (IBDP Mocks)
Over these 2 weeks students will be assessed on all content covered in Year 1 of the IBDP so far. Students must complete these examinations successfully in order to ensure continuation of the full Diploma Programme. Grades will help inform decisions on projected/predicted grades for University.
Classes will continue as normal during these 2 weeks and all students are expected to be in school following their normal timetable.
The timetable for these examinations will be available for students early next week.
6th - 10th June: ESS - First full version of Internal Assessment deadline
This is an official IBDP component.
8th June: Theatre - Final Research Presentations
Theatre students will complete this official IB component throughout the day and present their research findings on a world theatre tradition to Y10 drama students and staff. The presentation will be recorded and sent to the IB for evaluation.
8th June: Visual Arts - Comparative Study - Full draft deadline
Students complete a visual essay which analyses and compares three artworks from different contexts with a related theme.
10th June, 15:00 - 16:30: TOK Exhibition
Students will exhibit their TOK projects for parents, staff and students and Mr Foreman will give a short presentation about this unique, flagship IBDP core subject.
Please note that students will have already submitted their work for assessment and should follow Mr Foreman’s guidelines.
15th June: Theatre - Final Collaborative Project performance
Theatre students are working collaboratively to create their own play and completing a process portfolio of the creative process as they go along. After the performance, each student will choose 2 parts of the play that they would like to present to the IB for examination along with an evaluation of the play as a whole and their own part in it.
This is an official IBDP component.
Ms Fenton
IB Coordinator
International Baccalaureate - Group 4 Project
Year 12 students completed their final stage of their Group 4 presentations.
Each group had chosen a specific topic within the area of sustainability to focus on and carried out a two day long research project to answer a question they derived themselves.
On Wednesday they were given the opportunity to present their findings and results to an audience of peers, teachers and parents. We were thrilled with the diversity of topics chosen and the interest and effort that our students put into their work. It was a wonderful exhibition of collaboration and everyone worked incredibly hard to complete their projects to a high standard.
Now the students will move forwards and use the skills they have developed during this research project to start to think about and prepare for their internal assessments in science - an independent research project on a topic of their choice.
International Baccalaureate - Global Politics speeches
Students will be presenting their speeches at lunch times for parents, staff and students.
The Higher Level Global Politics students have been preparing 10 minute speeches for their external assessments. They are expected by the IB to identify a key issue which has global reach, explain the problems and present a possible solution. A sample of the topics include: Pollution and the Mar Menor in Spain, Deforestation and Imperialism in South America, The monetisation of health: US ‘Big Pharma’ and Poverty and Discrimination in the South of Spain. Students have researched the topics, written and presented draft speeches.
The school would like to welcome Year 10 - 11 students and parents to support a final recital of the speeches before they are recorded and sent for external moderation by the IB.
On Monday May 2nd, Julian and Hector will present their speech.
On Wednesday May 4th, Giada, Kiara and Yuvgen.
On Thursday May 5th, Ivan and Arianne.
Timing is from 13:30 to 14:15.
International Baccalaureate - CAS Corner
“Hello readers! I'm Julio, a year 12 student that has been initiating a YouTube project as part of my CAS. A few weeks ago, Oriol (a classmate) and I, decided to create a Maths YouTube channel to help other IB students to revise. We needed a long term project as part of our CAS experience and thought this was the best idea as maths is a subject we both love. We have so far filmed 6 videos following the IB maths AA Hl book, and we already have 45 subscribers!
Our main goal is to be able to help students not only in the British College of Gava but all over the world, especially to less privileged students that do not have the same opportunities as us. We believe Maths is a fundamental subject that everyone should have access to, and although there are many Maths YouTube channels out there, very few are run by students. We have also become very aware of how helpful this initiative is for ourselves as we have to revise all content before teaching it in our videos. In terms of subscribers we aim to have 100 by the end of June and we hope you can help us achieve this. Please share our link with all Math enthusiasts you know and help us launch our site to the world!”
Visit our channel and subscribe here.