With the two successful ski trips having come back from La Molina the school is again a busy hive of activity. It is clear from the photos and from talking to the students and staff that the ski trips were enjoyed by all. My thanks to all staff involved in the organisation and running of these important events in the school calendar.
As you all know we have a very strong relationship with our wonderful sister school in Andorra. BCA sits perched up in the mountains high above Andorra la Vella - an incredible site. This May see the first of our exchange programmes. Their secondary students are coming to us to do a week of water sports and cultural visits and next year we will go to them for some skiing and outdoor activities. A fantastic experience for all of your children.
To make this experience even better (and more economical for all) we are asking for hosts families. We are looking to host 50 children (many preferring to be in pairs). The enrichment team have put details in a section in this newsletter and I very much hope you can help. We have waited years to start benefiting from these partnerships and we really want this to be a huge success for the children.
Thank you.
Congratulations on University offers!
Two of our Year 13 students have received three excellent offers for UK universities. Sasha has offers to read Chemistry at Glasgow (BBB), Heriot Watt (BBC) and York (AAB) while Andrei has offers to read Business management from Kent (BC), Royal Holoway (BB) and Sussex (BB). This is a great achievement for both young men and we wish them all the very best in achieving these grades in the summer.
Last week I was at the NABSS Conference in Madrid with a few colleagues. NABSS is the largest association of British School in Spain and about 60 schools were represented. It was extremely useful to meet other Heads and share experiences, in particular regarding the effects of the pandemic on students and staff and the challenges of getting British teachers into Spain now.
There was a fascinating presentation by one of the speakers about how research has shown clearly that students across Spain (and almost certainly many other countries) have found it difficult after the lockdown.
I just want to update you on something we have been discussing for a while. Perhaps it is linked to my points above, but we are noticing that some students are forgetting their manners when moving around school. Pushing past others or running in corridors. This is not something we expect from BCG students and we will be getting much stricter on such things. We will be doing a secondary assembly next week to remind the students what our expectations are. All of our students are wonderful young people but at the moment some of them are making poor decisions. Please talk to your children about manners and remind then of how we all expect them to behave.
EU Business School partnership
I am delighted to announce that we have now formalised our partnership with the EU Business School ready for the delivery of the Career Related programme next September. We are in the final stages of the authorisation process and hope to launch this offering officially in May. This week's formal agreement marks a big step forward in our expansion of provision. Exciting times for BCG students!
Open day - 11 March 2022
Today we have the Open Day with over 30 families due to attend. We are delighted that the number of visits and general interest in the school is growing all the time. I look forward to telling you how the event went in the next newsletter.
Student University Fair
I have mentioned to you the importance we place on supporting our students throughout their BCG journey. Yesterday our Year 12 students attended an Online University Fair. Having done some research, they are then able to visit the stands of around 40 universities from many different countries. They downloaded prospectus, watched videos and also had video calls with International admissions officers from the schools. It was extremely useful and I am sure we will do more of these events to support the students in preparing for their university applications next year.
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